Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dark Knight, The

"Dark Knight" - the best political thriller of 2008, not counting reality. Nolan, with his political statements, with the original mild confusion in the plot lines, with a solid understanding of what is important, with his bad jokes and sudden breakthroughs in pure art - heavy, clumsy, neostanovimy ram to demolish the roof. And "Dark Knight" - a huge stone flying from the mountain, faster and faster, accelerated up to a prohibitive speed, everything sshibayuschy along the way - and to whom interesting little Sisyphus, in costume bats, which runs the wake of stone and something crying ? 

Entropy is not decreasing. She laughs, bormochet, prichmokivaet, burning and plyashet. Entropy does not kill, precisely, did not immediately kill. She takes the knife to the throat pristavlyaet to you and says: "You want to know where I have these scars? One could not enter into negotiations with entropy, but the problem is that you are very, very want to know.

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